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Learn in Just 10 Minutes...How to Delegate

Do you want more time in your day to do the things only you can do?
Do you want some time to do the work that you know (if only you had the time!) would get you some great results? You know the type of thing – talking to clients, planning, building stronger relationships with your employees, thinking, getting a life!

I’ve taught hundreds of managers how to delegate. I’ve managed dozens of employees – and successfully delegated to most of them. Here’s how you can too

This book is for managers who want a proven step by step guide to delegation – and who only have 10 minutes to read it. You’ll learn how to:


  1. Decide which tasks to delegate using our quick and simple ‘elimination exercise’
  2. Identify which employee to delegate to using our ‘6 Criteria’ check list
  3. Decide on the level of delegation (big surprise – you don’t have to delegate all the task)
  4. Define the performance standard for the delegation with one key question
  5. Have the delegation discussion – a step by step approach to:
    • Describing the task
    • Selling the delegation – including delegation that is not developmental for the employee!
    • Gaining agreement
    • Agreeing what support is needed
    • Agreeing monitoring methods
  6. Use a quick strategy for communicating the delegation – and how to ‘walk the talk’
  7. Make the delegation ‘stick’

Learning to delegate can help you to find time to do the tasks you really want to do, if you could only find the time, such as:

  1. Thinking / reflecting / challenging = driving improvements
  2. Being proactive – developing contacts = gaining more new business
  3. Building better relationships with staff
  4. Debriefing better = identifying better working practices / learning
  5. Planning
  6. Focussed and forward looking activities = generating more value / revenue
  7. Networking = generating more new business
  8. Time for clients – socialising so building stronger relationships
  9. More research:
    • Sharing knowledge
    • Personal development
  10. Getting some ‘work / life’ balance!

 Click on the cover to buy the book

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