Supporting charities can boost your corporate responsibility

It is becoming more important to ensure that your business acts responsibly and you fully understand the impact it has on society, the environment and the economy.  

Whilst you may already be doing something there are opportunities to allow you to stand out from your competition and working with Charities can ensure that you make a positive difference.

The key benefits of working with a Charity include:

•        A readymade solution with minimum set up by you and a more immediate impact

•        Charities will be attuned to the key challenges within a community

•        Being part of something bigger can ensure that you have the greatest positive impact

•        Relationships can be either project specific or ongoing creating a lasting Legacy.

It is vitally import to choose the right Charity for you.  Firstly, make sure that they are the right shape and size for you, that your values are aligned to ensure that the relationship is a productive and enjoyable one.  Be very clear on what you can offer, is it money, time or resources as this can shape the relationship. 

Also, is this going to be a short or longer-term commitment.  Are you looking for a short-term relationship within a specific community or an ongoing relationship with a wider reach. 

It is vitally important before you select that you undertake due diligence, look at their accounts.  Make sure that they are financially stable and that your support will be most effectively used.  Research their past performance.

But chosen well working with the right charity can enhance your reputation, become a differentiator where clients will want to buy from you, employees will want to work for you and other organisations will want to be associated with you, all leading to more opportunities and greater wellbeing. 

And finally and most importantly, why do any of this, because it is the right thing to do.



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