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Recommended Books

The One Minute Manager

‘I’m a One Minute Manager.’
‘You ‘re what?’
The manager laughed and said, ‘I’m a One Minute Manager. I call myself that because it takes very little time for me to get very big results from people.’

How does the One Minute Manager do this? Behind his success lie just three secrets.

The leaders of American and Japanese industry have made this book compulsory reading for all their managers. You can’t afford to miss out.

“This is a remarkable book about management. It takes very little time to read its powerful recipe for getting big results from people – in very little time.”
ROBERT HELLER, Editor, 'Management Today'


I really liked this book, but for the same reasons I liked it, some may hate it.

First of all, it's an easy read, and it gets its points across by telling a story. Other books have also used this format succesfully, but this style may not appeal to everyone. To me, it makes the book a lot less boring to read.

Secondly, the book is short. The vast majority of readers will easily be able to read this book in a day. It has bigger font, which I personally liked and thought it made it a joy to read. However here again, some may be turned off by that and consider it to be too "child-like."

Thirdly, the book takes solid mangagerial info and gives it to the reader handily in the form of three "secrets." I found the advice to be very practical and while some may consider it far too simple, it can help you a lot IF you actually apply the info- which I suspect most managers do not.

In conclusion, I recommend this short business classic to anyone looking for better ways to improve their managerial skills.

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