50 Secrets of Trade Show Success
The 50 Secrets of Trade Show Success: Everything you need to know to succeed at your next trade show, from maximizing lead generation, through choosing the best giveaways to measuring accurate ROI.
Udi Ledergor has provided a useful addition to the woefully small range of 'how to' books for trade shows. From choosing the right show through to advice on post-show procedures and how to establish your R.O.I. he covers the basics comprehensively and without waffle.
Naturally, as a trade show professional myself, I disagree with some of his ideas! Most especially, I cannot agree that salespeople make the best show staff or that you should take the largest space you can afford. But he is spot on most of the time and anyone new (or maybe not-so-new!) to the discipline is sure to find many tips that will improve their results dramatically. A good read, a useful primer - recommended. - Jim Ewan - Task Force 2