The Manufacturing Growth Program– what you need to know
The Manufacturing Growth Program provides advice and support to manufacturing SMEs to help:
What does that mean for manufacturing SMEs?
If you are a SME manufacturer , the Manufacturing Growth Programme provides many advantages for you, including:
If you are interested in growing let us know and we'll help you determine if you are eligible and put you in touch with a Growth Manager for a free no obligation Manufactuyring Review and Scoping session.
Who can apply?
You may be eligible if you are:
Businesses in the following sectors are not eligible:
How much grant can be claimed and what can it be used for?
The grant is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support the costs of working with an external expert/coach of your choice to implement a pre-agreed Growth/Improvement Action plan.
An average project value of £4,000 of support would attract a 35% Grant contribution, with a minimum grant application of £1000. Larger grants may be considered for exceptional cases (subject to panel approval) where the plan provides for significant job growth or new product development.
The scope of the Growth Improvement plan will be specific to each applicant’s growth needs and will be agreed in advance with our Manufacturing Growth Manager. Typically it will cover:
Grant supported Growth/Improvement projects must be completed, paid and claimed for within 4 months of grant confirmation.
SME beneficiaries are at liberty to select any consultant/coach of their choice provided they can evidence that they have adhered to EU procurement rules requiring them to invite a minimum of 3 quotations for the work and justify value for money in their selection.
If you have any questions just contact us and we will put you in touch with your local Manufacturing Growth Manager to enable you to progress your claim.